Our Guiding Teacher, Doug Kraft, has retired from his full-time duties at Easing Awake and continues as our Guide Emeritus, joining us on the second Tuesday of the month during the school year.
He is available for individual mentoring and leads special events. |

Doug Kraft is the inspiration behind and the Guiding Teacher Emeritus of the Easing Awake sangha.
More can be learned about him at his website, https://dougkraft.com, where you can find his writings, musings and insights into how this practice can inform and transform your life.
Here is DougBot and AI companion A.I. Meditation Coach. You can ask it questions you would ask Doug. This AI bot is trained on all his books and writings.
Doug has produced podcasts! Visit this page to access them, or look for his talks on the Insight Timer app.
He would love to hear from you at [email protected].
More can be learned about him at his website, https://dougkraft.com, where you can find his writings, musings and insights into how this practice can inform and transform your life.
Here is DougBot and AI companion A.I. Meditation Coach. You can ask it questions you would ask Doug. This AI bot is trained on all his books and writings.
Doug has produced podcasts! Visit this page to access them, or look for his talks on the Insight Timer app.
He would love to hear from you at [email protected].
Doug's Latest Interview Videos
With Liam on FitMind Podcast titled Exploring Consciousness & Deep Awareness. Published in July, 2024
With Ilona Ciunaite titled Discover Buddhist Practice To End Suffering. Published July, 2024
With Simplicity Zen titled Doug Kraft Buddhist Teacher Interview. Published March, 2021
With Dhamma Sukha Support Group titled Guided meditation and Q/A session with Doug Kraft. Published March, 2021
With Gary Lee Haskins titled Conscious Evolution. Published Jan, 2021
In this video Doug introduces the practice. Please check out Doug's YouTube page for several other videos. Most popular ones being on Jhanas, Dependent Origination and How to work with hindrances.
Doug Kraft is here featured at Google Corporate HQ: "Thriving in Difficult Times" | Talks at Google